Team - The Dynasty
2024 Mens Adult Basketball League - FALL - B2 Standings
  GP  W  L  WP Calendar Sync
Brunos Ballers 8801.000
Peaky Ballers 8710.875
Owls 8530.625
Lurkers 8530.625
Sonics 8530.625
Sals Purple Pals 8440.500
Bullets 8440.500
New York Underdogs 8440.500
The Strokers 8260.250
The Dynasty 8260.250
Meat2Meat 8170.125
Krusty Krew 8170.125
Player Stats
 Player#Games PlayedPointsRebounds
1Dean Vincent 2199
2Jack Pihlker 43828
3Jaylin Williamson 24515
4Joseph Archipolo 2419
5Joseph Romano 52120
6Justin Deitch 53614
7Justin Graziano 79640
8Justin Meisel 35523
9Mitchell Cohen 65315
10Nick Guaglcore 33410
11Nick Mastroianni 41730
12Sean Casarrio 63624
13Sean Kessnove 268